2025年度4月期 学生募集要項(April 2025 Application Guidelines)

1. Number of Recruitment

Graduate Program on Physics for the Universe, (here after, GP-PU) will recruit approximately 10 graduate students in April 2025.

2. Eligibility

2025年4月の時点で理学研究科の博士課程前期2年の課程(修士課程) の2年次に在籍予定の大学院生.また,後期3年課程在籍予定の学生にも応募資格を認める場合があるので事前に問い合わせること.選考にあたっては,海外の連携大学・部局との宇宙創成物理学に関連する国際共同指導による博士論文研究を行う見通しが立つかどうか,指導教員の強い推薦があり,GP-PUに所属することが相応しいと判断されるかどうかを重視する.
Applicants must be second year graduate students enrolling in the master course at Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University as of April 2025. Students who are also scheduled to enroll in the first year of the three-year Doctoral Program and obtain approval from the GP-PU Program Committee may be allowed to participate in the Program, as a special case. The applicants should conduct research related to physics for the Universe, and plan to continue on to the doctoral course soon after completing the master course. The applicant should also have a strong recommendation from their academic supervisor with an expectation to be appropriate to join GP-PU.

GP-PU is a continuous graduate program, starting from the second year in Master’s program, followed by three years of Doctoral program. Only the students who plan to continue on to the Doctoral program are eligible to apply for this program.

海外の連携大学・部局は,アムステルダム大学(NIKHEF 研究所),ウィスコンシン大学,オーストラリア国立大学,オルセー原子核研究所,カリフォルニア大学(バークレー校),ソウル大学,ドイツ重イオン研究所,ドイツ電子シンクロトロン研究所,ハワイ大学,ハンプトン大学(ジェファーソン研究所),プリンストン大学,ポーランドヤゲロー大学,マインツ大学,マサチューセッツ工科大学,ワシントン大学,マックスプランク研究所,ミシガン州立大学,中国科学院理論物理学研究所,欧州合同素粒子原子核研究所,などの宇宙創成物理学国際共同大学院運営委員会で認める大学・研究機関である.
At the moment, the following universities and institutes are considered as partners in international collaborations. University of Amsterdam (NIKHEF Institute), University of California (Berkeley), University of Hawaii, University of Michigan, University of Washington, University of Wisconsin, Australian National University, Hampton University (Jefferson Lab.), Jagiellonian University, Mainz University (Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Princeton University, Seoul University, CERN, Chinese Academy of Science, DESY, GSI, Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics(Orsay), Max Plank Institute.

3. Application procedures

  • 受付期間:2025年1月20日(月)〜1月31日(金), 9時〜16時.
    Application period: 9:00-16:00, Monday, January 20th, 2025 – Friday, January 31st, 2025.
  • 受付場所:宇宙創成物理学国際共同大学院(GP-PU) 事務室
    Venue of application:The International Joint Graduate Program office†. (Regarding the location of the Secretariat, please see the bottom of this document.)
    • 封筒に入れGP-PU 事務室に持参する.
      Put the application documents in the envelop and bring it to the GP-PU office.
    • 郵送の場合は 2025年1月31日(金)必着とする.封筒には「宇宙創成物理学国際共同大学院プログラム出願書類在中」と朱書きし,宇宙創成物理学国際共同大学院事務室に書留で郵送すること.
      In the case of an application by mail, the application documents in the envelope and bring it to the GP-PU office. In the case of application by mail, the application documents must arrive no later than Friday, January 31st, 2025. They must be sent by registered mail, with“Encl. application documents for GP-PU” written in red on the envelope. Mail the International Joint Graduate Program office (Regarding contact information, please see the bottom of the page.)

4. Required documents

A complete set of the following documents must be submitted within the application period. Download the forms from https://gp-pu.tohoku.ac.jp/application/

募集要項(Application Guidelines)

履修願書(Application form)
Form A

出願理由書(Statement form)Form B

受入予定教員による推薦書【厳封】(Recommendation Letter from your Prospective Supervisor)Form C

  • 成績証明書の原本(学部と大学院のもの.写しは不可.)
    Original copies of academic transcripts (Undergraduate and graduate transcripts). Duplicate copies not allowed.
  • 英語能力試験(TOEFL®,TOEIC®等)))の2019 年以降に発行されたテストスコアシートの写し.
    A photo-copy of a score sheet of English Proficiency Test carried out in the past five years. (TOEFL®, TOEIC® etc.).


If certificates to be submitted are written in a foreign language other than English, a Japanese or English translation must be attached. (A translation prepared by the applicant is acceptable.)

Incomplete applications will not be accepted.

Submitted application documents will not be returned.

5. Selection method

面接試験: 2025年2月12日(水)~ 2月21日(金)のいずれかの日に行う.
Applicants will be screened upon the submitted documents and the interview result. Interviews will be conducted in a day(s) between Wednesday, February 12th and Friday, February 21st, 2025. Details will be informed to the applicant later.

6. Announcement of application results

合格者は2025年3月14日(金) に発表する.結果は本人宛の電子メールにより通知する.
The announcement of application results will be sent by e-mail on Friday, March 14th, 2025.

7. Financial support

国内外の優秀な学生を獲得し,主体的に独創的な研究を計画・実践させ,国際的に活躍する博士人材を養成するため,選抜されたプログラム生に対してRA 給与や海外研修経費などの経済的サポートを行う.支給金額は東北大学国際共同学位取得支援制度に基づき決定する.他の経済的支援を受けている場合は相談すること.
GP-PU student will be hired as RA (Research Assistant). The amount of work and salary will be determined by the rules at Tohoku University. If you are currently receiving a scholarship or a financial support, consult us in advance in order not to violate any regulations among them.

8. Completion requirements

To complete the program, students must fulfill not only the requirements for completion of their graduate school, but also the requirements separately prescribed for completion of GP-PU program. For more information, please see the website of GP-PU (https://gp-pu.tohoku.ac.jp/)

In order to participate in the GP-PU Program, student must enter Department of Physics or Astronomical Institute, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University.

If GP-PU is the major, duplicate courses are not allowed. If GP-PU is a minor, multiple courses will be considered individually. Please consult in advance.

In principle, successful applicants should apply to the JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) for Research Fellowship for Young Scientists(DC).

GP-PU候補生/GP-PU Candidate

GP-PU候補生とは / What is a GP-PU candidate

If a 4th year undergraduate or a 1st year master’s student who is a member of a physics or astronomy lab. has an opportunity to give a presentation at international conferences, ask your supervisor for your request to be GP-PU potential candidate. GP-PU will review your presentation content. If you intend to positively challenge the GP-PU entry exam, we will support your travel expenses to attend the international conference between April and December.
You will be considered a potential GP-PU candidate. This financial support will be included in the total amount allocated for assistance during the GP-PU period.

郵送先・問い合わせ先: 宇宙創成物理学国際共同大学院事務室
[Contact Information] GP-PU Office

仙台市青葉区荒巻字青葉 6-3
理学研究科事務棟 2F [H-11]
Phone:022-795-5578, Email:gppu [at] grp.tohoku.ac.jp
※ 送信される場合は [at] を @ に置き換えてください

First floor, Science Administrative Center, School of Science[H-11], Tohoku University
6-3, Aramaki-Aza-Aoba, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8578 JAPAN
Phone:+81-(0)22-795-5578, Email:gppu [at] grp.tohoku.ac.jp
※ Please replace [at] with @.