1. Number of Recruitment
宇宙創成物理学国際共同大学院プログラム(以下,GP-PUまたは本プログラムとする)において、2025年度4月期は10名程度の大学院生を募集する.Graduate Program on Physics for the Universe, (here after, GP-PU) will recruit approximately 10 graduate students in April 2025.
Number of Recruitment|Eligibility|Application procedures|Required documents|Selection method|Announcement of application results|Financial support|Completion requirements
GP-PU is a continuous graduate program, starting from the second year in Master’s program, followed by three years of Doctoral program. Only the students who plan to continue on to the Doctoral program are eligible to apply for this program. 海外の連携大学・部局は,アムステルダム大学(NIKHEF 研究所),ウィスコンシン大学,オーストラリア国立大学,オルセー原子核研究所,カリフォルニア大学(バークレー校),ソウル大学,ドイツ重イオン研究所,ドイツ電子シンクロトロン研究所,ハワイ大学,ハンプトン大学(ジェファーソン研究所),プリンストン大学,ポーランドヤゲロー大学,マインツ大学,マサチューセッツ工科大学,ワシントン大学,マックスプランク研究所,ミシガン州立大学,中国科学院理論物理学研究所,欧州合同素粒子原子核研究所,などの宇宙創成物理学国際共同大学院運営委員会で認める大学・研究機関である.
At the moment, the following universities and institutes are considered as partners in international collaborations. University of Amsterdam (NIKHEF Institute), University of California (Berkeley), University of Hawaii, University of Michigan, University of Washington, University of Wisconsin, Australian National University, Hampton University (Jefferson Lab.), Jagiellonian University, Mainz University (Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Princeton University, Seoul University, CERN, Chinese Academy of Science, DESY, GSI, Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics(Orsay), Max Plank Institute.
募集要項(Application Guidelines)
履修願書(Application form)
Form A
出願理由書(Statement form)Form B
受入予定教員による推薦書【厳封】(Recommendation Letter from your Prospective Supervisor)Form C
If certificates to be submitted are written in a foreign language other than English, a Japanese or English translation must be attached. (A translation prepared by the applicant is acceptable.) 不備のある出願書類は受理しない.
Incomplete applications will not be accepted. 出願書類は一切、返却しない.
Submitted application documents will not be returned.
In order to participate in the GP-PU Program, student must enter Department of Physics or Astronomical Institute, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University.
https://www.sci.tohoku.ac.jp/juken/graduate-admission.html GP-PUを主専攻とする場合は重複履修は認めません.また,GP-PUが副専攻の場合は重複履修を個別に検討します.事前にご相談ください.
If GP-PU is the major, duplicate courses are not allowed. If GP-PU is a minor, multiple courses will be considered individually. Please consult in advance. 合格者は,原則として日本学術振興会特別研究員(DC)に申請することとします.
In principle, successful applicants should apply to the JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) for Research Fellowship for Young Scientists(DC).
GP-PU候補生とは / What is a GP-PU candidate
If a 4th year undergraduate or a 1st year master’s student who is a member of a physics or astronomy lab. has an opportunity to give a presentation at international conferences, ask your supervisor for your request to be GP-PU potential candidate. GP-PU will review your presentation content. If you intend to positively challenge the GP-PU entry exam, we will support your travel expenses to attend the international conference between April and December.
You will be considered a potential GP-PU candidate. This financial support will be included in the total amount allocated for assistance during the GP-PU period.
仙台市青葉区荒巻字青葉 6-3
理学研究科事務棟 2F [H-11]
Phone:022-795-5578, Email:gppu [at] grp.tohoku.ac.jp
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